Cigar Reveal #210
Southern Draw's Rose of Sharon cigar, a creation by Robert and Sharon Holt, has been lighting up the cigar scene for nearly half a decade. Originally introduced in 2016 and gaining wider recognition in 2017, this cigar was crafted to offer a milder alternative in the Southern Draw lineup, which is renowned for its medium-to-full-bodied options like Kudzu and Firethorn. Handmade in Nicaragua's AJ Fernandez factory, it boasts a blend of Nicaraguan Viso and Seco, Dominican Piloto Cubano Ligero fillers, a Nicaraguan binder, and an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper.
In terms of flavor, the Rose of Sharon offers a unique twist for a Connecticut Shade cigar, with initial notes of grass and earth, along with a peppery kick. As the journey progresses, you'll discover delightful transitions, including hints of vanilla, maple, and a citrusy zing that adds zest to the earthy and cedar notes. With a perfect draw, an even burn line, and a remarkable ash, this cigar is a standout in its class, even if it falls on the higher side of the "average" price range. So, whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer, Southern Draw's Rose of Sharon is a must-try for a captivating cigar experience. Cheers to the Holts and their exceptional creation!