Cigar Reveal #213
La Barba, a relatively new brand established in 2010, has quickly gained a devoted following in the cigar industry. La Barba Red was the brand's initial offering, and it has undergone a significant transformation, aiming to enhance the spice while preserving the essence of Dominican flavor, a goal they have undoubtedly achieved.
The La Barba Red features a Dominican Corojo wrapper that envelops Dominican long-fillers and Ligero leaves. The result is a full-bodied cigar with a flavor profile characterized by notes of pepper, cocoa, cedar, and, as intended, a delightful spice kick. This cigar possesses both boldness and complexity, making it a favorite among enthusiasts.
The La Barba Red is actually the brand's second iteration of this blend. While the original blend had a Honduran base with Nicaraguan filler, the new version is described as a Dominican Puro. It comprises a Dominican Corojo wrapper, Dominican binder, and Dominican filler, crafted at the Tabacalera William Ventura in the Dominican Republic. This transformation has contributed to the cigar's growing reputation and appeal among cigar aficionados.