Cigar Reveal #226

Havana City (HVC)
500th Anniversary

While numerous cigar brands find inspiration in Cuba, whether it be rooted in familial ties or an aspiration to replicate Cuban-esque flavor profiles, a somewhat broad objective that can be achieved through diverse approaches and ultimately subject to one's taste preferences. However, for HVC Cigars, each cigar is a deliberate tribute to Cuba, with a particular focus on the vibrant capital city of Havana. This connection is reflected in the company's name, HVC, an acronym for Havana City.

In 2019, HVC Cigars commemorated Havana's 500th anniversary by unveiling a limited edition known as the HVC 500 Years Anniversary. This Nicaraguan puro features a wrapper crafted from corojo 99 leaves grown in Jalapa, a binder composed of an undisclosed varietal leaf from Jalapa, and a filler blend incorporating criollo 98 and corojo 99 leaves cultivated in Estelí and Jalapa.

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500th Anniversary

  • Nicaragua (Estelí)
    Nicaragua (Jalapa)
  • Nicaragua (Jalapa)

  • Nicaragua (Jalapa Corojo 99)

500th Anniversary
Flavor Notes

First Third

Sweet Cream

Mixed Nuts

Bread Crust

Sweet Cream

Mixed Nuts

Bread Crust

Second Third


Buttered Popcorn

White Pepper


Buttered Popcorn

White Pepper

Final Third



Mixed Nuts



Mixed Nuts

Reviews + Notes

Leaf Enthusiast

This is simply my favorite HVC blend ever. It is nice and complex with sweetness, pepper, hay, wood, and buttered popcorn notes riding on a medium-bodied smoke that is never overpowering. I don’t know if they are planning on this being a regular release limited edition or if it’s a “once they’re gone, they’re gone” type of thing, but either way, I would get suggest getting your hands on some soon. 

Cigar Dojo

Another stellar release from this small, up-and-coming brand. HVC has been able to give their own spin on the Cuban flavor profile, delivering flavors of old in an experience that has a more flavor-forward and robust mouthfeel. This cigar exemplifies complexity as it continues to develop and strengthen in flavor as it smokes.

Score: 93


The HVC 500 Years Anniversary is a beautiful cigar that comes in a beautiful box and smokes as good—if not better—than it looks to the eye. Other than a bit of roughness in the first third, the cigar's profile is marked by lush creaminess and nuttiness that gets highlighted by some bright, vibrant pepper that shines both on the palate and through the nose on retrohales. Most impressive is how the cigar finds its balance after the first third and moves gracefully from there, never jumping too far from its core but never remaining monotonous. The experience is capped off by nearly flawless construction, with plenty of smoke, a very even burn line, and just the right amount of resistance on the draw. While I won't attempt to rank it among Reinier Lorenzo's other creations, this is certainly about as good of a cigar as I can remember from HVC and one I would highly recommend.