Cigar Reveal #226
While numerous cigar brands find inspiration in Cuba, whether it be rooted in familial ties or an aspiration to replicate Cuban-esque flavor profiles, a somewhat broad objective that can be achieved through diverse approaches and ultimately subject to one's taste preferences. However, for HVC Cigars, each cigar is a deliberate tribute to Cuba, with a particular focus on the vibrant capital city of Havana. This connection is reflected in the company's name, HVC, an acronym for Havana City.
In 2019, HVC Cigars commemorated Havana's 500th anniversary by unveiling a limited edition known as the HVC 500 Years Anniversary. This Nicaraguan puro features a wrapper crafted from corojo 99 leaves grown in Jalapa, a binder composed of an undisclosed varietal leaf from Jalapa, and a filler blend incorporating criollo 98 and corojo 99 leaves cultivated in Estelí and Jalapa.