Cigar Reveal #252

Ferio Tego
Timeless Prestige

“The Ferio Tego Timeless Prestige is an incredibly complex blend, utilizing tobaccos from all three major manufacturing countries of origin, Honduras, Nicaragua and Dominican Republic. The addition of these formats ensures there is a cigar that everyone will enjoy in this exquisite and complex blend, especially in these colder months and busy holiday season.”

- Michael Herklots, founder of Ferio Tego.

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Timeless Prestige

  • Dominican Republic
  • Dominican Republic

  • Honduras

Timeless Prestige
Flavor Notes

First Third

Brown Sugar

Black Pepper

Mixed Nuts

Brown Sugar

Black Pepper

Mixed Nuts

Second Third







Final Third







Reviews + Notes

Cigar Authority

The final third of the Ferio Tego Timeless Prestige is dark, the sweetness of the first two-thirds has left the building quicker than Nat Sherman left the townhouse. The leather from the finish is now dominant on the palate along with notes of cedar and nuts. The retrohale is eye watering pepper, but this was one tasty smoke.

Leaf n Grain Society

Handmade by Quesada Cigars in The Dominican Republic, everything about this cigar is next level, elegant, and very well constructed. From start to finish, the cigar’s flavor profile is upfront and remains very consistent throughout the smoking experience. Michael met his goal with this compelling, interesting, and satisfying smoke!


It's an unfortunate situation when a technical issue with a cigar becomes so prominent that it obscures what the cigar has to offer flavor-wise, but that is the case with the Ferio Tego Timeless Prestige Divinos. Yet for as much as I have to knock the cigar for its combustion issues, I feel like I need to give it credit for the flavor managing to not get destroyed in the process. The flavor is rather enjoyable, particularly in the second third, where the thicker ring gauge helps the profile fill out both in terms of how many flavors the cigar offers and how they come together. If the combustion issues get figured out, this could be a very enjoyable cigar in a time-friendly format.