Cigar Reveal #5235
The Timeless Collection is renowned for its exceptional blends, masterfully combining various tobacco origins, seed types, vintages, and leaf positions to create a cigar that offers a rich and intricate flavor profile. When Nat Sherman discontinued its iconic cigar lines in 2019, two industry veterans, Michael Herklots and Brendon Scott, stepped in as saviors. They founded Ferio Tego, LLC, and acquired the Timeless Collection and Metropolitan Selections, ensuring the legacy continued.
The Ferio Tego Timeless Supreme, a beloved cigar from the collection, has undergone minimal changes, mainly in its branding and packaging. It still features a blend of full-bodied Nicaraguan long-fillers, a Nicaraguan wrapper, and binder, expertly handcrafted by the Plasencia family exclusively for Ferio Tego.
The meticulous attention to detail in developing the cigar's strength, flavor, and aroma, tailored to each shape and throughout the smoking experience, ensures a delightful journey for enthusiasts. This collection showcases full-bodied yet elegantly balanced box-pressed Nicaraguan puros, a testament to Ferio Tego's commitment to upholding the tradition of excellence established by Nat Sherman.