Cigar Reveal #157
A little background on Roma Craft: the owner, Skip Martin, started the company over ten years ago after the cigar he worked at was forced to shut down due to a hurricane in his home state of Texas. He partnered with a cigar maker to produce cigars for himself and for the former customers of his shop. He made 5,000 cigars to start and named it the Cromagnon, and the cigars started going out the door faster than they could be rolled. The amount of cigars he sold required him to buy out the remaining tobacco available for that cigar, and at that point he knew it was time to get serious about this cigar making thing. Roma Craft Tobac was born. The broadleaf wrapper, Nicaraguan fillers and a unique Cameroon wrapper landed on the 2016 Top 25 Cigars of the Year list and since then he's come out with several new sizes, one of which is this lovely little short torpedo. Skip's philosophy from the beginning has been a simple one: "Combine quality tobacco, experienced craftsmen and the right amount of time and you will produce great cigars. Never compromise in these areas and you will be able to produce great cigars consistently." Today his company remains one of the first names that come to mind when discussing 'boutique cigars'.