Cigar Reveal #179
Ernesto Padilla is on a mission to tear down the cigar industry as we know it. No, that’s not exactly right. More like rip out the industry from it’s roots. And he plans to do this by cutting out all the excess necessary to sell a reasonably priced cigar. He's started by cutting out expensive bands, boxes, and removing the middle man by selling directly from his website (a previously frowned upon practice). And while he's not opposed to selling to cigar shops, he will tell you his focus is now reducing the costs by selling directly to the consumer. The result is a typically-delicious-Padilla-cigar at a surprisingly great price, and crazy Uncle Ernesto challenged us to put it out in a blind smoke to our astute cigar loving subscribers. We continue to believe that Padilla is one of the best and most underrated cigar blenders (not to mention characters) in the world.