After more than 15 years of smoking cigars, there are brands I turn to when I want a medium-bodied, full-flavored cigar, a list that includes Davidoff, Illusione and various Cubans. While Serino is not close to the top, the brand is quickly moving up my list and the Taíno Heritage Hamaca is the newest example of why. The profile includes not only some distinct main flavors of creamy almonds and cedar, but also a litany of well integrated secondary notes including vegetal, honey sweetness and mineral saltiness that is present for the entire smoke. A very good cigar that is well worth the effort of tracking down for fans of medium-bodied cigars.
Long Draws
The Taino Heritage benefits from Jochy Blanco’s masterful blending touch and tobacco aged at least five years, producing a fantastic smoke from start to finish. The cold draw presented wood and tobacco. Wood stuck around after lighting, maturing to oak by the end of the first third. Earthy notes took over, mingling with tinges of leather. A smattering of spices arose in the final third before coffee closed things out.
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