Cigar Reveal #4179
Casa 1910, a newcomer to the premium cigar scene in 2021, seeks to redefine the perception of Mexican cigars while celebrating the country's heritage. The debut offering, Cuchillo Parado, pays homage to the Mexican Revolution and is a Mexican puro with a Sumatra seed wrapper aged for three years, San Andrés binder aged for five years, and San Andrés-grown filler. The blend, crafted by Juan Manuel Santiago Casillas (Manolo Santiago), a "Master in Habanos," presents a surprising flavor profile with peppery and woody notes, deviating from the typical earthy Mexican profile. While enjoyable, some cigars encountered issues with sourness or char. Nevertheless, Casa 1910 shows promise, leaving enthusiasts eager for more from this brand.
Mexican tobacco doesn't come cheap, with this little robusto selling for $15 each!